Thursday, 21 June 2012

Innovation Day in United Daily News

Innovation Day in New Sabah Times

KBU Open Day June 2012

Android Smartphones Apps Challenge

Android Smartphone Challenge
The aim of this challenge is to give a glimpse of fun aspects related to engineering and computing field to the 2012 SPM and UEC students.

The event which is scheduled to take place on the 23 June 2012 from 8am to 1.30pm in conjunction with KBU's Open Day has attracted participation from students around the nation.

The challenge offers an amazing opportunity for SPM and UEC students to learn how to create cool Android Smartphone apps using App Inventor while standing a chance to win attractive tech gadgets such as Samsung Galaxy S3, Samsung Galaxy Note and Samsung Galaxy Y.

Students will be briefed on the Smartphone apps and will then go through a simple test on Smartphone knowledge. Top 25 students will be selected to take part in the Android Smartphone Challenge while the others will go through training on how to create cool Android Smartphone apps.