Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Determination- key to success

"Hi! It's me again!"

The winners

Having grabbed the runner-up position for two consecutive years in the eGenting programming competition- the determined KBU alumnus Chong Han Liang-has emerged as the winner for the year 2011, receiving cash amounting RM6000. 

 “The competition lets students to have a brief exposure to real-world programming challenges, requiring them to apply what is learnt in their curriculum. The competition opens the door of opportunities for students and reveals how the real working world would be, “said Chong who graduated from BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering last year.

He added that such competitions will in turn allow students to focus on the key aspects of writing code.

 “From my experience, the competition usually attracts 100-200 students from around the nation and the students will be given 8 hours to attempt 4 to 5 real world programming tasks,” said Chong.

He added that the questions normally range from easy, with algorithm which is usually hinted, requiring the participant to translate the code and figure the best way to solve the business logic and translate their ideas into code.

Upon asking on the secret of his success, he said that KBU has paved the foundation (fundamental knowledge) required to tackle the different programming scenarios.
The competition is supported by MSC Malaysia and Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDec).

Contestants from all over the country converged at Wisma Genting in Kuala Lumpur late last year to test their ability and skills in programming. 

Chong’s continuous success proves the quality of the engineering programme at KBU.
KBU International College has enjoyed an extensive collaboration with Sheffield Hallam University, a UK university renowned for its academic excellence and success rate of graduate employability. Through the strategic alliance of eight years, KBU had seen an increase in the number of university’s honours degree programmes delivered by KBU under the “3+0” mode.

KBU graduates have a track record of being headhunted to exciting and rewarding careers in diverse fields ranging from engineering to computing, graphic design to interior architecture & design, all within a short timeframe and in many instances, immediately upon their graduation.

For further details, please contact KBU International College, Bandar Utama, at Tel: 03-77273200 or Fax: 03-77272733 or email: enquiry@kbu.edu.my or visit our website: www.kbu.edu.my. You can also join us at http://facebook.com/kbuinternational.  Alternatively, you can also visit us during the KBU Info Day (17-18th March 2011) or drop by during KBU Open Day which is scheduled to take place on   24th-25th March 2012 from 8.30am-6 pm. 
(This article was also published in The Star, 7 March 2012)

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